Friday, November 21, 2008

A Thankful Lesson

The Wordle part of this lesson is one that I picked up from someone on Plurk. I apologize for not paying attention to whom it was and giving proper credit.

We began our primary lesson (k-2) by watching a movie about Thanksgiving on brainpopjr. (It is listed as one of their free resources this month.) We also visited Scholastic's First Thanksgiving website. We opened a Microsoft Word document on the Smartboard and listed things that we are thankful for. I told my students that it was okay to repeat what someone else had previously said. After everyone had a chance to say what they were thankful for, I copied the list and pasted it into wordle.

Then while using the SmartBoard, I opened up a Venn diagram template in Inspiration. (If you do not have Inspiration, try one of this online graphic organizers or just use Microsoft Word. As a class, we completed the Venn discussing the differences between the first Thanksgiving and what the students experience today. This is what they came up with.

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