Friday, November 21, 2008

Descriptive Turkeys

My third graders are participating in a distance collaboration Thanksgiving project called, "Descriptive Turkeys" with another school in Kansas. Students at both schools created turkeys and wrote descriptions about their turkeys.

My third graders used Microsoft PowerPoint to display their work. Students wrote their turkey description on slide 1. Then, they inserted an outline of a turkey and layered it underneath their writing. ( provided the template of a turkey outline.) On to slide #2, third graders inserted the photograph of their turkey that we took with our digital camera. We printed the slides and stapled slide one on top of slide #2. This way students can read their turkey description to our partner school and then flip the page to show the matching turkey. It also make a nice display for the hallway.

On Tuesday, November 25 both schools will visit via Polycom to read our turkey descriptions and see if the other students can pick out which turkey belongs to each student based on their descriptive writing.

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